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Full Ownership: What It Is, How It Differs from Usufruct and Bare Ownership, and How It Affects Selling or Renting

The bare owner has ownership of the asset but not its use and enjoyment. The usufructuary does not own the asset but does have the right to use it. The owner holds both the ownership and the use of the asset.

Author: Raúl González


Full ownership, also known as full property, is a right that a person has over a specific asset, whereby, in addition to owning the asset, they can make full use of it. This means that the person with full ownership holds the rights of both the bare owner and the usufructuary.

In turn, usufruct is the right by which a person can use another’s assets and enjoy their benefits, with the obligation to preserve and care for them as if they were their own. Lastly, bare ownership is the right of a person over an asset in which their relationship is solely and exclusively that of an owner.

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